Murphy’s ongoing partnership with Virginia Aquarium’s Sensible Seafood Program.

The Sensible Seafood™ Program promotes ocean-friendly seafood. Sensible seafood comes from local and sustainable sources that are not over-fished or harvested in environmentally destructive ways. Our Sensible Seafood™ pocket guide helps consumers make sustainable seafood choices while our growing list of partner restaurants and seafood businesses strive to offer sensible seafood options. Working together we can ensure that today’s sensible choices will be available on tomorrow’s seafood menus.
What is Sensible Seafood™?

Seafood is delicious, healthy and fast disappearing from our oceans. America’s insatiable appetite for a limited number of menu items like cod, salmon, tuna, and shrimp has contributed to the decimation of these fisheries, damaged marine habitats, and fueled destructive seafood farming practices in foreign countries. With an estimated 90% of the world’s big fish gone from this planet and 70% of the world’s fisheries stretched to their limits, it is time to make more sensible seafood choices.

Check out their website for more information.